But does anger at Bush mean that it's time to dismantle the system we've had for 200 years? Do you want to end free markets and free speech? Do you think that America should become permanently Socialist? Is it time to get rid of 2 party rule and consolidate all power under one party?
I want you to understand that if the democrats win this election, the United States may never be the same. The conventional wisdom is that the pendulum between right and left swings back and forth - though we may swing left, if things get out of hand we'll swing back. But that conventional wisdom may be wrong this time. The democrats are going to make systemic changes to make sure they never lose again. For 30 years we have had divided government. No one party has had 100% power. There have been brief times in the last 60 years when a party has had the Presidency and also majorities in both the House and Senate. But you really need more than a majority in the Senate to create radical change. You need a super majority - 60 of 100 votes. No one has had that since Jimmy Carter had it briefly. That was a disaster for the country. But back then the Democrats did not have a plan to consolidate power permanently. This time out, they do. They are so angry since the Republicans gained the house in 1994. If they gain power back, they plan on making changes that will make it almost impossible for Republicans to ever win again.
Let me explain the changes. Right now elections are usually won 51%-49% or 53%-47%. We have been more or less evenly split for a long time. If the democrats can create a permanent shift of just a few percentage points, it's game over for divided and limited government. The whole founding principle of the US, a government restrained by checks and balances, will be gone. We are about to give total control to one side. I know you may like Obama. But politics is a team sport. I encourage you to read up on what the whole team stands for. And even if you like most of the policies, realize that "absolute power corrupts absolutely". This is why the principle of checks and balances and divided government is so important. Think twice before you let your emotions toss that away because of complaints of the day.
Here's their plan. This is not scare mongering - many of these bills have already passed the House, and only need a few more votes in the Senate. Then Obama would put them over the top. You want change? This will quickly remake the United States into something totally different.
Policies to Consolidate Power
- Allow illegal aliens in and make them citizens quickly so they can vote for democrats. Years ago immigrants were taught American values and thus they voted for both parties. But now they are bribed with entitlements and kept from joining the debate by failing to teach them English and American History. Thus they are molded into a democrat voting block.
- The "Employee Free Choice Act" - This bill could have been named by George Orwell because it's the opposite of what it says. This bill would enable Union Organizers to do away with secret ballots for unions. So union thugs would know if you voted against them. Nice. You are at work in a non unionized shop. 10 union reps corner you with a petition to unionize. If they get the signatures, the place is unionized. If you didn't sign up with them when they originally asked, they know you are an enemy. This is an attempt to double union membership which will become a huge source of new votes and money for the democrats.
- Make more people dependent on Government - Right now 60% of the taxpayers pay federal income tax and 40% pay $0 in federal income tax. If they can raise the non-tax payers to more than 50% we will have a situation where the majority of voters pay no tax, but instead vote on the amount of taxes that others should pay. This is an irreversible tipping point. Basically every single tax bill that would attempt to correct this would be 'a tax on the poor.' Thus more than half of the electorate would be beholden to democrats in some way.
- Allow the District of Columbia to have representation. The founding fathers barred people in the District of Columbia from having representatives because they understood the city would become swamped with bureaucrats whose only interest would be to enlarge government. And they were right - 90%+ of DC votes go to tax and spend liberals.
- Allow Felons to Vote. It sounds crazy, but they are trying to pass this nationwide already.
- Implement 'The Fairness Doctrine' - another Orwellian-named bill. Basically, this would eliminate talk radio and all media would then be the liberal. Sound Impossible? Though clearly unconstitutional, the Head democrat in the House has described this as her "Top Legislative Agenda" and liberals routinely call into talk radio gloating that their days are numbered.
- Get rid of Home Schooling - They've started this in CA already. Home schoolers are the best educated students in the country, with the highest SAT scores, etc. Thus they are the most well informed and the most conservative. Democrats want to put rules in place that would make Home Schooling illegal. Instead they want to have government run day care so that they can start teaching kids at age 3 about liberal policies. This is what they do in communist countries.
- Eliminate the teaching of American Values as Eurocentric or hate speech. Probably only 20% of students have read the constitution by the time they graduate HS even though it's only 8 pages long. Expect that number to drop to near zero.
- Liberal Judges - To take over the 3rd branch of the government, leftists judges would be appointed. These judges have a philosophy that says that the constitution is a 'living document' which is open to interpretation based on modern day values. In other words, it means whatever they want it to mean. Therefore it's a meaningless document. They openly dismiss the constitution as a barrier to them implementing whatever policy they want.
- Voter fraud - eliminate requirements that you need an ID to vote, empower and fund groups like Acorn, etc. If you add this voter fraud effort to the increase in union membership, you can see a mechanism by which fair election become increasingly difficult
- Increase Gerrymandering and other inside baseball tricks to increase liberal majorities.
These policies will tip the scale and make it almost impossible to unseat democrats from power.
Basically, without any check on liberal power, the sky is the limit. Liberals complain the republicans have had too much power. But really this power has been restrained. Just as an example, since Roe v. Wade we've had Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2. But they never had anywhere near the votes to eliminate abortion. We have divided government with checks and balances. But this election may give ALL the power to 1 side. Then what? You may even want some of these policies. But do you want ALL of these??? Cause that's what you'll get:
Socialist Domestic Policies - The goal is to end capitalism and replace it with socialism, just as Europe has done. Large blocks of the economy will be nationalized. All of these agenda items are supported by most democrats and many have already passed the House. We are about to give them the final Senate votes plus the presidency and then it'll all happen.
- Socialized Medicine
- Nationalized Energy - Congressional Democrats like Maxine Waters have openly called for a government take over of the oil industry. You can forget nuclear power or any other viable solutions. Gasoline in Europe is $8 a gallon. Prepare for that here and worse.
- Global Warming - The 'Cap & Trade Bill' gives new government bureaucracies the power to regulate any industry that uses energy. In other words, all businesses. This alone is the end of the free market and a trampling of the Constitution. The EPA will now dictate production in all sectors.
- Huge Corporate Taxes in a way that will drive companies to export jobs. This will also drive down stocks and 401K's in an effort to push more people back into dependence on Social Security as their sole retirement vehicle.
- NEW SINCE I WROTE THIS POST JUST YESTERDAY: Do away with 401K's entirely. They want to take your existing savings and push them into the Social Security System. Future contributions would just go to the government as a new 5% tax. This was mentioned in hearings this week and I saw it twice on TV this morning.
- Huge new Welfare Programs and programs to redistribute wealth.
- Subsidies for any and all industries which are political allies.
- Rules that make it hard if not impossible to fire employees (results in fewer people getting hired which is why Europe always has 10-12% unemployment, compared to 5-6% here)
- Trial Lawyers run Amok -
- New Product Liability lawsuits empowered by liberal judges.
- Eliminate Statute of Limitations on Workplace Discrimination Suits - Unionization of Industries
- Reparations for Slavery
- Gay Marriage.
- Speech codes which would label conservative political thought and religious thought as 'hate speech'. These already exist on campuses, in Canada and most of Europe. Any objection to Gay Marriage, affirmative action or most any liberal policy will become hate speech.
- Gun Control
- Federal Funding of pro-liberal art on a huge scale
- End to 'Three Strikes your out' and other pro-victim crime legislation. Back to revolving door for criminals. End capital punishment.
- Ban military recruiting on college campuses
- Constant Harassment of Christians and organized religion. Church Attendance in Europe is down to 5%. I'm an atheist but I fear living in a country with no institutions that talk about right and wrong, good and evil.
- Moral Relativism and Cultural diversity would replace a belief in American Values
International Policies - these are all policies which are openly supported by most of the left.
- End Support for Israel - it always shocks me when American Jews vote for democrats given the left's open calls for us to stop supporting Israel.
- Pull out of Iraq in Defeat
- Allow Terrorists to sue America or allow them access to courts so that we can only prosecute them by giving them all our spying techniques.
- Allow Iran to get the bomb
- Allow the UN to tax the U.S.
- Protectionist Tariffs. Pull out of NAFTA, Stop the Colombian Free Trade agreement, etc.
- Dismantle the U.S. Nuclear arsenal
- Eliminate funding from military weapons research and systems
International Crisis that Democrats may not have the backbone to stop or respond to - Europe and much of the world right now has the luxury of being immature. They have us as their big brother fighting their battles. Our presence and strength has deterred global conflicts for 60 years. Without a strong US grounded in the Constitution, western values, loving liberty and ready to fight evil, the world will revert to the way it was for thousands of years before the US came on the scene - constant battles for power. Evil causing pain for large swaths of the world. The powerful grabbing what they want. Here's a sample of how it might start. Ask yourself what would the democrats do in the face of crises such as these:
- Russia Takes back Eastern Europe
- China Takes back Taiwan
- Venezuela takes over Colombia or Cuba
- Iran bombs Israel
- North Korea invades South Korea
- Taliban Supporters take over Pakistan and it's nuclear Arsenal
- Terrorists Nuke a US City
So that's about it. So does your anger at Bush justify turning all branches of government over to the democrats and allowing them to permanently dissolve the two party system, capitalism and free speech?
Please, please pass this along to your friends, especially to those in swing states or states with Senatorial elections. Whether you like Obama or not, you have to decide if you want to pass all power over to one side. McCain would be the most Liberal Republican president ever anyway. Plus Liberals will hold maorities in the congress and the courts. So if you really like liberal policies, you can expect plenty of them. But to toss 100% control to one party is just a scary thing. As I said this is a team sport. Google around and see what democrats really have in store for America. It's not the America that's existed for the last 200 years, that's for sure!